Top 20 Endurance Authors and Stories

Top 20 Endurance Authors and Stories

Top 20 Endurance Authors and Stories in 2021. Endurance can be defined as the ability to withstand hardship or adversity or in a more hopeful and bright sense, it simply means the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity. In the world of running, it’s the capacity to run for miles on end with little time spent on stopping. It’s an activity that seems natural when it comes to humans and for good reason. Since millions of years ago, humans have steadily sowed the seeds to become one of the world’s prolific endurance runners. We started to develop these amazing skills since the time our ancestors were forager, hunters, or gatherers. Since it’s often impossible to outrun prey, humans have tried their hardest to persevere. They thought that their prey would eventually stop running at some point so the best thing to do is just really to sustain their effort in following it. Endurance, in some ways, transcended its original physical application and has become part of our mindset. Endurance, in the present, does not only mean that our bodies are built to sustain difficulties but our minds have also become accustomed that we have to go through a bit of harshness to enjoy the fruits of our labor later on. Now that its importance is established, you can learn more about how to develop your endurance, whether physically, mentally, or both. We’ve gathered together a great list of books from renowned authors to shed some light on endurance:

1. Runner's World Train Smart, Run Forever: How to Become a Fit and Healthy Lifelong Runner by Following The Innovative 7-Hour Workout Week: This book goes in-depth about what Bill Pierce and Scott Murr name the 7-hour-workout week, where runners have a varying schedule to incorporate running, strength, and all versions of fitness to achieve goals. (Bill Pierce and Scott Murr)
2. Footnotes: How Running Makes Us Human: Cregan-Reid takes a dive into what it means to run and how running is not only an improvement for the body but also the mind. (Vybarr and Cregan- Reid)
3. Running With the Buffalos: A book about the collegiate cross country that explains the journey to the Championships. ( Chris Lear)
4. Unbroken: A story of a Berlin track athlete who tests his limits for endurance after WWII. (Laura Hillenbrand)
5. My Life on the Run: Adventures of Yasso’s runs and experiences within them. (Bart Yasso)
6. 80/20: Run Stronger and Race Faster by Training Slower perfectly describes how runners of all abilities can make to improve their performance with this 80/20 method. (Matt Fitzgerald)
7. Running is My Therapy: The description of how and why running is a drug that can make not only the body happy but the mind. The key to happiness comes from training yourself to be great by running. (Scott Douglas)
8. Born to Run: The minimalist running book that describes what it is to run, and how to achieve your goals through running. (Christopher McDougall)
9. 26 Marathons: Meb’s explanation of what he learned through running and how he was able to learn about his faith and identity. (Meb)
10. Endure: A book describing how we, as humans can push our limitations to achieve greatness. (Alex Hutchinson)
11. A Rise of the Ultra Runners: A story of how the rise of running and becoming a runner is more challenging than running install. How we can all participate in this global movement to become runners and push our minds and bodies to their limits. (Adharanand Finn)
12. Relentless Forward Progress: The description of the extraordinary challenge and difficulty of ultramarathons. (Bryon Powell)
13. Running Through the Wall: A book on how to endure and push your body to achieve greatness but being able to be mentally and physically strong. (Neil Jamison)
14. The Pursuit of Endurance: The breaking power story of strength and endurance whiten our minds and bodies. (Jennifer Pharr Davis)
15. Runner’s World the Runner’s Body: How the new exercise science can make you faster, stronger, and mentally unbreakable. (Ross Tucker)
16. The Comeback Quotient: How to build endurance and a guide to baulking mental strength for running. (Matt Fitzgerald)
17. Training for the Uphill Athlete: A manual for mountain runners and endurance athletes. (Steve House)
18. Ultra marathon Man: The confessions of author, Dean Karnazes and what he thinks about while running all night. (Dean Karnazes)
19. Endurance: The story of sailor and his ability to sail to read the South Pole. Named one of the greatest adventure stories of the modern age. (Alfred Lansing)
20. Eat and Run: Jurek’s story of his unlikely path to being a successful ultramarathon runner and how he got to be and achieve his goals of being the very best. 

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